Friday, January 27, 2012

Sketchy Minutes from our meeting — January 25, 2012

We did a quick review of our finances — income and expenditures over the past three years.

Garden Tour
We discussed this year’s Garden Tour (Father’s Day, June 17th, 2012) and agreed that it’s time to raise admission to $12 from $10 and to keep the capacity at about 200 attendees.
This year’s tour will in the Wall Street neighbourhood and around the hospice. Janet and Sandy have already identified about 13 gardens (with possible chickens and bees). We may want to collaborate with the hospice in some way (Donation of plants or money? Work party to beautify?) Ann will talk to the hospice people.
Perhaps we can borrow tents and chairs, etc., from Britannia for the event and set up a station in the hospice park (where there are bathrooms).
Penny to update Brit Neighbours flyer and Web sites to reflect the Garden Tour fee increase.
We agreed that we need clearer signage for the coffee and cookies at the Tour so that we take in at least enough money to pay for them! Perhaps we could get a Drive coffee shop to sponsor the coffee?
We will contact Figaro’s and find out how much Peter Worthington wants to be involved. We could have a mini-station at Fig’s as well as the main station at the hospice, enabling people to either start and get a map at Fig’s as usual or at the hospice.
Letters will go out to potential garden people in March.

Next Greenway Work Party
Paul suggested that we do some raking to get layers of leaves removed to make room for snowdrops and other spring bulbs. Pat and Paul will choose a date and let Penny know, and she will send out a Work Party Notice.

Penny to talk to Ian Cannon, principal at Brit Elementary, to see what is needed in the way of field trips and if they would welcome the funding of another field trip to Van Dusen (like we funded two years ago).
We also discussed a trip or event, perhaps with food and drink at a local community garden (Pandora Park or Strathcona … or the proposed Woodland Park) for people at the Kettle. Ann will follow up by contacting the Kettle and talking to an Activity Aide.

People who Provide Paid Services for BN in the Greenway
We will continue with both Matthew (Kettle) doing the litter pick-up two days a week, and with Katherine doing the watering, as needed, in the hot months.

Hillary told us about possible funding for groups that plant “edible” trees. She sent the info to Penny and Penny forwarded to Jordan Bober, who is trying to set up a community garden in the neighbourhood. Helen Spaxman was interested too, and mentioned it to the Elementary School PAC, in hopes that they could get funding to plant more trees in the playground area.

Who was at the meeting?
Hillary Wood, Janet Harper, Sandy Anthony, Maggie Holland, Pat Davitt, Paul Kjekstad, Donna Cairns, Ann Daskal, Ruth Fahlman, Penny Street

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Hi Britannia Neighbours,
Just a reminder that we are having one of our not-very-regular meetings this coming Wednesday night (January 25th) at Britannia (in the Info Centre, probably in the Board Room), 7:00. Join us if you can!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Fwd: Follow-up - Community Planning Discussion - Monday January 23 @ 7:00-9:00pm

I thought you might be interested in attending this.
It will be a good introduction to the upcoming community planning process for Grandview (slated to last about two years with profound implications for zoning, development, etc., in our neighbourhood) and a discussion about the Grandview neighbourhood-specific terms of reference for the process. Andrew Pask is the City of Vancouver Planner overseeing the Grandview process. (Marpole and the West End will also be developing plans simultaneously.) Andrew came to the GWAC meeting last week, and he sent this message to people who attended that and expressed an interest in being informed about follow-up meetings... but I'm sure others in the neighbourhood are more than welcome, and it's a nice big room, so do come if you can.

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Pask, Andrew" <>
Date: January 17, 2012 6:09:37 PM PST
To: "Pask, Andrew" <>
Subject: Follow-up - Community Planning Discussion - Monday January 23 @ 7:00-9:00pm

Hi everyone,
A quick follow-up to my email from last Friday.  I've been able to book a spot for our follow-up discussion on Community Planning in Grandview-Woodland.
The meeting will take place
Monday, January 23, 2011
Learning Resources Centre (under the Library)
Britannia Community Centre, 1661 Napier Street
We'll also do our best to get all the notes from the previous session out to you in advance.
I look forward to seeing you again next Monday!  In the meanwhile, if you have any questions, etc. please feel free to send me an email or give me a call at 604-673-8171.
Hi everyone,
Thank you very much for coming out to the discussion on the upcoming Grandview-Woodland Community Plan.  And a big thank you to GWAC for hosting the event.  It was great to be able to meet with you all and to hear your ideas and concerns about the neighbourhood.
As discussed, we are in the process of setting up a follow-up meeting so we can carry on the discussion.  At this point we are working to nail down either Monday January 23 or Tuesday January 24.  With any luck we'll be able to use the same space and start around the same time.  As per the last meeting, the event will be open to all… so feel free to invite any neighbours who may be interested in the process. 
Apologies for not being a bit more precise on the dates/times at this point.  If you can bear with us until early next week that would be appreciated. We'll send out a follow-up email at that point.
Thanks again for your input thus far.  I hope you all have a great weekend.
Warm regards,
andrew pask
community planning | city of vancouver
p. 604-673-8171

Monday, January 02, 2012

Brit Neighbours MEETING!

Howdy Britannia Neighbours!
We do have meetings occasionally. It's the new year. Pat and I talked tonight and we thought we should check in on how we're doing -- how we're doing finding gardens for next year's Garden Tour, what we need to do regarding the Greenway, how much money we have, etc., etc.
If you can make it, that would be grand.
It'll be 7:00, Wednesday, January 25th, at Britannia (either in the Committee Room at the back, or in the Board Room if it's free).
If you are unable to make it, we'll have another one in the Spring! And I'll send out cursory notes so you'll know what we talked about.


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