Monday, December 02, 2019

No work party today!

Hi all,
No work party today!
Too wet, too cold. We don't have *very* much to do down there. Let's try again for next Monday and see if it's dry enough to scoop up the last few piles of leaves (that we raked up last week).
Or maybe we can just pick a nice day when a few of us can get together for a half-hour or so.
Final winter tidy-up!
Happy December!

Sunday, December 01, 2019

Work party tomorrow, 2:00! And ... The new plaque!

Hi all,

We will have one final work party for the season, weather permitting, tomorrow (Monday, Dec 2). Note that it starts at 2:00. We'll just be working from 2:00-3:00. See you then! Thanks for all your dedication over the year.
We'll get back to work again when the weather warms up a bit (Feb/March?) and the bulbs start sprouting!

The "Margaret Mitchell Plaza" plaque commemorating the dedicated and accomplished Margaret Mitchell was installed on Friday in the little bed near the "living room" area of the greenway.
We can continue to call our greenway the "Napier Square Greenway" or just "Napier Greenway" or even just "Greenway".
