Grandview Heritage Walking Tour, July 7th
Date: July 7th
Grandview Heritage Group
Twitter: GVHeritage
Britannia Neighbours is a volunteer group in the Grandview neighbourhood of Vancouver. We undertake projects that help to keep our neighbourhood interesting and engaged. Among our projects are maintenance of the Napier Square Greenway at the entry to the Britannia Community Centre, the East Van Garden Tour, and the Grandview Garden Club. If you'd like to get in touch and/or be notified whenever we'll be having a work party, e-mail
Date: July 7th
Grandview Heritage Group
Twitter: GVHeritage
From: Ann Daskal <>
Date: June 4, 2012 5:42:33 PM PDT
To: Penny Street <>
Subject: East Van Garden Tour update and request
Hi all,
Garden tour plans are going well. As it is coming up soon (less than 2 weeks away!), we were wondering if anyone was available to do a bit of postering/flyering in The Drive area (shop windows would be great), also other areas such as Hastings and Wall Street (where the tour will be centred) or even on your block.
You can contact me if you are interested and we can arrange poster/flyer pick up
Also, there may be opportunities to be a four-hour "garden sitter" during the event. You get to see the rest of the gardens for free, in exchange.
Ann (Daskal) (604-255-1595)
p.s.: attached is an e-poster, if you want to help put out the word that way.
Historian Jak King will conduct a two-hour guided walk along Commercial Drive from Venables Street to Second Avenue this Saturday. He will identify and discuss many of the heritage buildings along the route and relate stories of the people and businesses that occupied them. Meet up on the southeast corner of Venables & Commercial at 9:45am Saturday 9th June 2012, rain or shine. Please register by email to $10 contribution to the Grandview Heritage Group at the meet-up.
Hi gardeners,