Monday, June 04, 2012


June 17th, Father's Day, is the East Van Garden Tour, our one-and-only Britannia Neighbours' fund-raising event for the year. With the substantial funds we raise from that, we are able to buy plants and tools, to pay someone to water the Napier Greenway all summer, and to pay someone from The Kettle to pick up litter in the Greenway for an hour each day, two days per week, all year! 
The Tour is a big volunteer effort, and we could use your help either on the day of the tour or before!
See Ann's message below.

Also, please PLEASE come out to the Greenway on Sunday, June 10th, 3:00-5:00, to help me plant TWELVE flats of impatiens, which I'm picking up at Figaro's on the 9th!! 

Cheers and thanks,

Begin forwarded message:

From: Ann Daskal <>
Date: June 4, 2012 5:42:33 PM PDT
To: Penny Street <>
Subject: East Van Garden Tour update and request

Hi all,
Garden tour plans are going well. As it is coming up soon (less than 2 weeks away!), we were wondering if anyone was available to do a bit of postering/flyering in The Drive area (shop windows would be great), also other areas such as Hastings and Wall Street (where the tour will be centred) or even on your block.
You can contact me if you are interested and we can arrange poster/flyer pick up

Also, there may be opportunities to be a four-hour "garden sitter" during the event. You get to see the rest of the gardens for free, in exchange.
Ann (Daskal) (604-255-1595)

p.s.: attached is an e-poster, if you want to help put out the word that way.


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