Hello Britannia Neighbours - Here's a quick report on our short meeting on January 17th and notification of the February meeting, to take place at the Info Centre February 21st, 8:00 p.m.
Would someone please reserve the boardroom? I will not be able to attend.
Here's a summary of our January 17th meeting:
Murals: Victoria Ojinski will be painting mural panels to fit in the windows of Sweet Cherubim. Pat drafted a letter to Rajinder at SC outlining the project and Pat and Penny visited him the day after the meeting and delivered the letter. He's very enthusiastic and wants a panel in every window.
Benches: Michael Rose had proposed that he purchase the carved benches from Britannia Neighbours, but he has decided not to, so they are still ours.
Gift Certificates from the Greenways Garden Party at Van Dusen: We got three and we will go and "spend" them in March-April. We are thinking of getting a ginkgo tree for the west/sunny end of the Greenway.
Salsbury: Britannia Neighbours will work in partnership with the Salsbury Garden group to put on some sort of event to celebrate the garden in the early spring. More to come on this (but Ian Marcuse of the Friends of Salsbury Garden group was there and we had a good chat about what's happening with the Garden these days, about how the developer evicted the tenants of the two houses at the beginning of December on the pretext of renovating the houses and is doing no renovating ... and the developer is suing the City/Board of Variance at BC Supreme Court for its decision).
I'm away for the month of February.
See you in March!!
Cheers, Penny