Wednesday, June 16, 2021

JOIN THE CONVERSATION ON NON-MARKET HOUSING [Beginning June 19, 22, and 24 - On Zoom]

About housing on the Britannia Community Centre campus, I personally feel that so much housing is being built or is planned for other parts of Grandview that there shouldn't be any housing on the precious little bit of public land that we have in Grandview. We already have way less than other Vancouver communities. 
But if we are forced to see some housing on the campus, it definitely shouldn't dominate the site — a few truly affordable rental housing units, managed and owned by Brit, not very high, might not infringe too much on the public nature of the site. Anyway, this is a big concern and issue. It's been debated for years at Britannia and I hope you consider participating in this "conversation". By doing so, you'll let the City know how you feel.

PS - Apologies if you received more than one of these reminders.



The Britannia Renewal Master Plan identifies opportunities to locate non-market housing at the renewed Britannia site. 
Help us understand opportunities and concerns relating to this by sharing your thoughts at one of our online events: 


Community Conversations: Non-Market Housing 


On Zoom by link
Or call 7789072071
Saturday, June 19, 10 am - noon 


Tuesday, June 22, 2 - 4 pm 
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 844 2837 4784
Passcode: 282588


Thursday, June 24, 6:30 - 8:30 pm 
Meeting ID: 823 9181 6558
Passcode: 560897


In fall 2021, partners will be facilitating more Non-Market Community Conversations that will include initial discussions on height, density and the potential number of units of non-market housing. 



Contact the Britannia Society website, the Information Centre at 604-718-5800 (ext. 1) or for more details.