Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Bees and a pollinator pathway...

I believe Pat is organizing a meeting to discuss a potential "pollinator pathway" to take place Thursday night at 7:00 at Britannia.
Call Pat for more info!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Work party in the Greenway tomorrow (Monday, Feb 23), 3:00!

Happy Early Spring, Grandview Gardeners!
Yes, indeed! It will be our second work party of the season (weather permitting, but it is supposed to be nice). Bring your usual tools — secateurs, rake, kneeling pad, gardening gloves, etc. — and I'll bring some leaf bags. We'll probably just work for an hour or hour and a half.
Isn't this amazing weather?

Sunday, February 15, 2015

First Work Party of the "Spring"!

We'll have our first work party of the "Spring" — I know it's not Spring yet, but it's certainly Spring-like — tomorrow, Monday, Feb 16th, 3:00.
Bring what you like for gardening — rake, secateurs, kneeling pad, weeding tools, gardening gloves, etc. I'll bring leaf bags. And we have a few tools in the tool shed.
See you there!

(PS - Don't feel any obligation to join us. Just come when you can! Many hands make light work. We generally have a really jolly time. And we'd love for you to be there.)

Saturday, February 07, 2015

Meeting Sunday, 3:00!

Just a reminder that we're having a combined Britannia Neighbours, Grandview Garden Club, East Side Garden Tour "business" meeting tomorrow, Sunday (Feb 8th), 3:00, at Britannia.
Please come if you can. We have a long and really interesting agenda and we'd love your input.
We'll be meeting in the Family Activity Room, just across the courtyard from the Info Centre.
Cheers and hope to see you there!