Hi folks,
Britannia Community Services Centre AGM is this Wednesday (May 23), 6:00.
It would be good if a lot of us showed up to acknowledge the support they give us. Brit allows us to use their address and to meet in the Brit Board Room once in a while. We are also responsible for maintaining the Napier Square Greenway, which is the main entry way to Britannia's site. And we sit on the Brit site-management committee as community reps, and they take "registrations" and payment for us for people wanting to attend the East Van Garden Tour...
Our relationship with Brit is important and continuing ... and attending the Brit AGM would be an excellent way to show your support for the community members who serve on and run for the Board.
The AGM includes the election of the Britannia Board of Management, guest speaker(s), a light supper, and some live music.
Note: In order to vote in the election, you must be a current member of the Centre (and must have joined on or before May 9th)...
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