Monday, November 15, 2010

Howdy fellow gardeners!
We had a lovely work party on the afternoon of Sunday November 14th with rakers from of all ages. We filled thirteen huge paper bags with oak leaves (and still left plenty on the ground ... plus there are still quite a few in the trees!). We worked until the streetlights came on and we all got hungry.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Hi folks,

There is an abundance -- an overabundance! a glut! -- of oak leaves in the Greenway and we need to rake them up and bag them! (They don't break down over the winter like more delicate leaves do, so we need to get most of them off the ground so they don't smother/kill the plants beneath them.)

I bought a lot of garden-debris bags at Home Depot yesterday, so we have plenty of those.

We'll have a leaf-raking work party this Sunday (Nov. 14th) at 3:00 (until we get tired or it gets dark, whichever happens first).

If you have one, bring a leaf rake. (We do have a few rakes, so if you don't have your own, we'll provide!) 
Bring gardening gloves, too. 
We'll provide the bags.

No need to RSVP. Just come if you can; we'd love to see you.