Saturday, September 30, 2006

7:00 p.m. Wednesday, October 11 !
The Grandview Woodlands Area Council (GWAC) AGM is Wednesday, Oct 11 at 7:00 in the meeting room in the basement of the Britannia library. If you live or work in Grandview Woodlands you are entitled to run for the GWAC board and/or vote in the election. Bring proof of your address to the meeting. It's important to vote for a progressive board that truly represents the needs and opinions of our neighbourhood.

Hi. Just a brief Britannia Neighbours report. We had a meeting on Thursday night.

We talked with Brenda Racanelli, the arts and culture programmer at Britannia, about the Artist in Residence program that Britannia will be participating in for 2007. If you are an artist or know of an artist who might wish to apply, call Brenda at 604-718-5825 or e-mail her at
The program is open to artists of all disciplines.

The Victoria Oginski panels have been installed in the windows of Sweet Cherubim. Go have a look at them; they're just lovely. Victoria is the artist who did the mural on the side of Drive Organics, so the style of the two "walls" of the Greenway is complementary.

10:30 a.m. Monday, October 9!
If you have an hour to spare on Thanksgiving morning, we're planting some bulbs and plants, starting at 10:30. If you bring your kids, Britannia Neighbours is paying a penny a piece for acorns gathered in the greenway between 10:30 and 11:30. Acorns quickly become little oaks and those little oaks are pesky hard-to-yank-out weeds. We have plenty of BIG oaks in the Greenway already.

7:15, Thursday, November 2!
The next regular Britannia Neighbours meeting is Thursday, November 2 at 7:15 in the Info Centre at Brit. The meetings are always fun, small, informal and short. Come if you can.


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

There's a Britannia Neighbours meeting, Sept 28, 7:15, and we will be discussing, among other things, a proposal by Arts and Culture Programmer Brenda Racanelli to have an Artist in Residence at Brit who will "mark a welcoming entrance (most likely at Napier and Commercial Drive)," which is our Napier Greenway ... Brenda will be coming to our meeting to discuss this important initiative.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Here are just a few photos of the Napier Square Greenway from the summer of 2006.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Hello Britannia Neighbours
We will be having our first Britannia Neighbours meeting of the fall on Thurs Sept 28th 7:15 @ Brit Info Centre. We'll set up a schedule for garden clean-ups, discuss various Britannia Neighbours initiatives (including the marvellous new Victoria Oginski panels that will be going into the windows at Sweet Cherubim this fall ... and a possible "art opening" event in the Greenway to unveil them) . We'll also set up a schedule for our meetings for Oct, Nov, Dec.
Do please come if you can.