Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hello Britannia Neighbour!
Just to let you know that we're having a Britannia Neighbours meeting on Tuesday Sept 22 at the Britannia Info Centre, 7:00.
Please come if you can. Among other things, we'll discuss preparing the Napier Square Greenway for winter, ongoing maintenance and litter removal, and some of the things we need to do in anticipation of next year's East Van Tour of Private Gardens.
Come if you can.
I'm not sure what room we will be meeting in, but ask at the the reception desk in the Info Centre and they will know where we are. No need to RSVP.

Carvers working in the Napier Square Greenway last week! They're creating an entry portal for the Britannia Arena that will be in place for the Olympics. After the Olympics, the portal will probably be installed near the Britannia Info Centre, visible from the Greenway.


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