Hello Britannia Neighbours!
This Sunday we will have one more Work Party, but this will be our last until June 28th or even July because Sunday the 14th is Carfree Commercial Drive, and Sunday June 21st is our Eastside Garden Tour.
I'll likely be away on June 28th, but others might be available to work that day, so we'll leave that as a possibility.
Luckily, Katherine will water over this dry and sunny period to keep all our plants happy.
So please come Sunday (June 7th) if you can. The time this week will be from 3:00-5:00 for a change; Ruth wants to be able to come and she has choir practice on Sunday mornings.
Pat and I will get a few more flats of impatiens, so we will put those in ... and, of course, do some more weeding ... and tidying up in preparation for Carfree Day.
Also, this year's Eastside Garden Tour, on Sunday June 21st, needs extra volunteers for putting up posters (see below) and to sit in a few of the gardens whose owners are not able to be there. If you have time to do a three-hour shift (10:00-1:00 or 1:00-4:00) as a garden sitter in one of our beautiful gardens this year, you can take the rest of the tour for free! Please let Pat Davitt know you're available (604-253-1885).
Cheers and thanks to everyone.
From Ann Daskal (who does publicity for the Garden Tour):
The Eastside Garden Tour (on Sunday, June 21 this year) needs postering help as listed below.
If you can help out, email me at rocknrose@telus.net (include your phone #) and I will get back in touch with you. If you can help, let me know what area you are specifically interested in. Posters (and flyers) will be provided.
Thanks, Ann
The following places need a poster or two:
Granville Island Market
Strathcona Community Garden
Wall Street Community Garden
Any other Community Garden that is convenient
Van Dusen Garden
Trout Lake Farmers Market
A few posters along the market route this Saturday and on June 20 would be greatly appreciated!
(June 13th is covered)
On the Drive
Happily, Britannia Community Centre volunteers will be putting posters around the Drive, both inside and outside, starting about 10 days ahead --
However, it would be great if people could "monitor" a few blocks each, to make sure posters are out there and put up some, if not covered
Your Neighbourhood
You know the best spots
You Name it

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