Sunday, October 29, 2017

Work party in the Greenway tomorrow, Monday, 3:00

Hello, everyone,
We'll have a work party in the Greenway tomorrow, Monday (Oct 30), 3:00. Please come if you can. We've got a bit of compost to shovel and move, but we will have an official "shoveller" — Maria's friend Alex — so we can let him know where the compost should go and we can, meanwhile, rake and weed and tidy up.
Eric is away for a few days, but he's already taken care of about 2/3s of the compost. Thank you, Eric!

The Parade of Lost Souls was last night, but the Dusty Flowerpot people who put the event on did a really good job of protecting the Greenway. The only damage I could spot when I went down there today was the bed outside of the 55+ Centre was quite trampled and the cosmos there were damaged. But the cosmos season is just about over anyway, and they're annuals, so no big loss. I'll plant more next summer.


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