Monday, August 31, 2015

No work party today!! PLUS Horrible Mess in the Greenway!!

It's much too awful weather-wise to have a work party in the Greenway. 

And there's good news and bad news. The good news is: it's raining, so watering will not be necessary.

The bad news, however, is that someone decided to do a very dramatic pruning/thinning of the oak trees in the Greenway — maybe they were a hazard to pedestrians walking through? — and, instead of taking the branches they took off away with them, they've piled everything that they cut off all along the south side of the Greenway on top of all our plants and shrubs. Tons and mountains of branches! It's a real mess.
We'll have to get a Park Board work crew to come and take away all the debris soon — but, in any case, I expect we will have lost a lot of plants! After nursing them along all summer!

Anyway, check it out if you get a chance, and we'll try for a work party next Monday.


I tried to get a good shot of the devastation, but my camera gave up the ghost after one photo. This will give you an idea:


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